China Hospitality

House China

#一条 #一條 #Yit

阿里御用設計師的600㎡豪宅,朋友都知道開鎖密碼 Alibaba’s Favorite Designer’s 600㎡ Villa, All His Friends Know the Password

重慶最火民宿:砸錢給客人最好體驗 The Most Popular Guesthouse in Chongqing

3年前,郭力在重慶南山租下一棟房子,親自設計、改造,做了一家民宿:松間。沒有做任何宣傳,開業1個月就天天客滿,成了重慶最火的民宿。2000㎡的空間,只做了6間房,樹屋、星空房、日式房等各不相同。他想給客人用最好的東西,一張床10萬塊,傢俱什麼都用最貴的。 3 years ago, Guo Li rented a house in Nanshan, Chongqing. He designed and renovated it by himself into a guesthouse named Forest Inn. Without any advertisement, the guesthouse has been full every day since the first month of its opening and thus becomes the most popular in Chongqing. In the 2000-m2 space, there’re only 6 rooms of different styles, including a tree room, a star room and a Japanese-style room. Wishing to offer guests the best experience, Guo spends 100,000 RMB on a bed and uses the most expensive furniture.